
I have been keeping hives of bees in the beautiful New Forest village of Burley for well over 35 years.

Every year, the forest around Burley wakes up from winter with a dazzling multitude of floral blooms in Spring and Summer - every flower from the lowliest crocuses, to the mightiest chestnuts for the bees to visit. Each July I take the full honey combs from my hives and spin out and bottle the beautiful amber runny honey the bees have collected. A few days later the empty combs are put back on the hives for the bees to start refilling with the rich, thick nectar collected from the moors of purple heather surrounding the village throughout August. The heather honey is so thick - it won't spin from the combs, so the combs have to be crushed to squeeze the honey out.

All of the honey my bees bring home is cold spun or pressed from the combs, coarse filtered, and bottled. It has no additives. It has not been heated nor pasteurised. It will therefore retain all of the pollens, vitamins, nutrients and flavour of it's natural state.



Swarms are a large number of bees - up to 15 or 20,000 from the originating colony seeking a new home. Sometimes seen in flight as a large 'cloud' of flying insects - which may be quite noisy and scary to the observer. Please contact me if you have swarms to be collected within the Ringwood area. Click here for more information on what a swarm is and how to tell if you have one near you.


Heather honey 1lb (454g)


'Runny' honey 1lb (454g)


Heather blend 1lb (454g)


'Runny' honey 1/2lb (227g)


'Bear' honey 380g (8/10lb)
